Summer research lies at the heart of the MCBGAP program. From mid-June to mid-August, MCBGAP scholars can expect to work side-by-side with UC Davis faculty, postdocs and graduate students in original laboratory research, gaining new skills and intellectual independence along the way.
Scholars from UC Davis’ HBCU STEM initiatives — MCBGAP, PABGAP, CCBGAP, and EEGAP — will participate in weekly sessions in professional development that focus on preparing applications for graduate study and career development. As part of this program, scholars will write drafts of statements of purpose and personal histories for graduate applications, and interact with current UC Davis graduate students and faculty in panel discussions. MCBGAP scholars also will complete a GRE prep course that meets 3 hours per week.
MCBGAP scholars also will meet with MCBGAP PI Sean Burgess and other faculty to visit molecular and cellular research facilities at UC Davis and in the adjoining region. These include the UC Davis Genome Center, research groups housed at the UC Davis Medical Center, and UC San Francisco. Thus, students will be exposed to options for advanced study beyond what they experience in their mentor’s laboratory.
Summer will close with a mini research symposium in which MCBGAP, PABGAP, CCBGAP, and EEGAP scholars present their work to their peers and UC Davis faculty and graduate students. In 2017, UC Davis Chancellor Gary May stopped by to hear talks and meet the HBCU students.
Last, but not least, mentors will remain in contact with summer scholars during their senior year to guide preparation of applications for graduate programs and co-advise honors theses and preparation of publications of research results.