The MCBGAP program seeks to provide undergraduates from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Xavier University, and Florida A & M University with experience that will prepare them for graduate study in molecular biology, cellular biology, and similar disciplines. The program consists of three components:
- academic year preparation for sophomores and juniors;
- summer research and mentoring for juniors selected as MCBGAP Scholars;
- follow-up mentoring for seniors who have completed the MCBGAP program, with the goal of admission to a strong graduate program in molecular biology, cell biology, or related fields.
Students selected to participate as MCBGAP Scholars will be mentored individually by faculty in molecular and cell biology at UC Davis, home to top-ranked graduate programs in biology.
MCBGAP scholars will receive a summer stipend of $4300, with housing, meals, and expenses of travel to Davis covered by the MCBGAP program.

Students who completes the MCBGAP program and are admitted to a PhD program at any UC campus will receive two years of stipend and fees from the University of California Office of the President with a match from the graduate program, i.e., a total of four years of support.